The ASA webinar series was implemented to provide ASA members, ASA-100 clients and ASACB client training that concentrates on specific topics that are useful to employees. Please email ASA for the webinar link you are interested in and a staff member will contact you with additional details. Webinar Links are available to ASA Members at no charge.
Non-members can purchase webinar links for a nominal fee of $100 USD per webinar. For immediate information, please call 202-347-6899 or you can email us using the "send email" button below.
Jason Dickstein, President Washington Aviation Group
Meeting Date: Thursday, March 27, 2025
Time: 11:00 AM ET (GMT -04:00)
Duration: 75 Minutes
(Presentation and Q&A)
While tariffs are not a new concept, the current global environment presents unique challenges that are impacting ASA members. Join ASA for an informative webinar where we will review tariff basics as they apply to aircraft parts imports. We will also provide an overview of the current state of tariffs, tariff codes, duty assignments, and HTS changes, including a review of the special circumstance tariffs (like for maintenance) and the foreign policy tariffs (like the tariff on Canadian products). This session will cover key information that ASA members need to know, with an opportunity for questions and answers. Please note, this webinar will not delve into the politics of tariffs.
All About FAA Form 8130-3 and International Equivalents
Roy Resto, President AIM Solutions Consulting
Mr. Resto discusses the FAA Form 8130-3 current developments, guidance, familiarization, comparisons with global forms, and answer questions.
All About Standard Parts
Roy Resto, President AIM Solutions Consulting, LLC
Mr. Resto reviews history, definitions, examples, resources, trace, uncommon standard parts, Boeing and Airbus Standard Parts, documentation, and your questions.
AS9145 Aerospace Series
Jim Lee, President, SimpleQuE, Inc.
The aerospace industry has published AS9145 – the aerospace version of Requirements for Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP) and Production Part Approval Process (PPAP), along with a maturity model. These tools have long been used by the automotive industry, and AS9145 even references the Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) core tools. This webinar provides a detailed overview, and points to free material, tools, and training for further understanding of AS9145 and its adoption by the Space, Aviation and Defense Industries.
ASA-100 Accreditation
Kelly Lyon, ASA Auditor
Looking to get accredited? Kelly Lyon reviews the requirements of ASA-100 Accreditation and focus' on what an Auditor will look for to show evidence of compliance. He also shares common findings and pitfalls.
ASA Statement Form 2020
Jason Dickstein, President Washington Aviation Group
The ASA Statement Form 2020 was designed to resolve documentation issues that have arisen in the aviation industry. We believe that understanding what the documentation means is an important step to success. We invite you to join us for an in-depth overview. The ASA Statement video training is useful for those who must receive, read, and interpret commercial documentation. This includes:
personnel who complete this sort of documentation for the business
receiving inspectors who must read and interpret this sort of documentation for the business
purchasing personnel who make purchasing decisions based on documentation
sales personnel who use documentation to identify whether the part is likely to meet customer expectations
Best Managerial Skills for Aerospace Distributors
Will Trikha, Vice President & Shawn Trikha, Lead Consultant Lean QA Consulting
Will & Shawn will dive into key managerial skills for aerospace distributors - top leadership skills that help aerospace distributors thrive. Self-evaluation of your own leadership proficiencies is a necessary tool for improvement. A must review to see if your methods line up.
Counterfeit And/Or Unapproved Parts Identification
Jason Dickstein, President Washington Aviation Group
In this class, Mr. Dickstein defines “unapproved parts" and “counterfeit parts.” Using these definitions, he will, examine real world examples of each; discuss strategies for identifying both categories during receiving inspections; and identify response and reporting mechanisms for addressing such parts when you identify them.
Crazy World of AOGs
Roy Resto, President AIM Solutions Consulting, LLC
A look at the real world causes of AOGs with an emphasis on aircraft maintenance, deferrals, and airline operations. Airline panelists Mark Huard, Air Canada; Bonnie Kawamoto, Hawaiian Air; Stephanie Mason, Delta Material Services and Vince Elliott, ABX, Air, will join Roy with informative AOG insight regarding AOG parts orders. This is a 90 minute webinar.
Counterfeit Parts Prevention Program
Sam O'Connor, VP Technical Services, ASA
Sam O'Connor of ASA/ASACB discusses key elements of a Counterfeit Parts Prevention Program. This presentation while beneficial to all companies will also include specific review of requirements and expectations within the ISO Aerospace standards.
Difference between Goals & KPIs (Defining Process Metrics for AS9120 Distributors)
George Ringger Sr. Manager ASACB, President G.Ringger Consulting, Inc.
Mr. Ringger reviews the difference between goals and KPIs and provides examples of process metrics that may be used by distribution organizations to measure the performance of standard industry processes. This discussion will focus on ways to increase value and improve performance of meeting interested party requirements.
DoD Assessment and SPRS Submission
Scott Dawson, Founder, Core Business Solutions
This segment is for contractors already required to comply with NIST SP 800-171, per DFARs 252 204-702, DoD is now holding contractors accountable, instituting an assessment and reporting system to verify compliance before new contracts are awarded. While the new requirement is for information to be provided prior to the contract award, DoD encourages affected contractors to begin self-assessments immediately. Scott Dawson from Core Business Solutions covers what is required to calculate the SPRS score for submission, so you don’t miss any DoD contract opportunities.
Jason Dickstein, President Washington Aviation Group
Meeting Date: December 3, 2024
Duration: 90 Minutes
Why is Traceability Important and What Are the Latest Documentation Standards? This workshop will begin with a brief review of the regulatory basis behind documentation like the 8130-3 tag. This course will examine where aircraft parts documentation fits into the regulations – both in terms of explicit documentation requirements and in terms of implicit documentation requirements. We will discuss incident and accident definitions and the documentation surrounding them. The workshop will close with an examination of the ASA Statement, explaining WHY ASA chose to make the decisions it made, HOW to complete the form, and WHAT benefits the form can provide to your aircraft parts distribution operation.
Doing Business with the Government & Military - The Basics
Roy Resto, President AIM Solutions Consulting LLC
Thanks to our webinar Sponsor!
Thinking about diversifying into the Government & Military Market? This panel presentation on the basics introduces you to the SAM Registration process, CAGE, DUNs, and NAICS Codes, National Stock Numbers, Marketing, Resources, Solicitations, and your questions. Your host, Roy Resto, is joined by Leandra Cain, President Hurricane Aerospace Solutions and Earl Morgan, Program Director of National Veteran Small Business Coalition (NVSBC).
ESD: The Shocking Truth
Roy Resto, President AIM Solutions Consulting, LLC
An Introduction to ESD, real-world affects, practical advice, & the ASA Best Practice document.
Export Week
Jason Dickstein, President Washington Aviation Group
Meeting Dates: October 7-11, 2024
Duration: 45 Minutes
(30 minutes of content; 15 minute question period)
Export compliance is an ongoing, ever-changing topic that requires special attention. This series is meant to break down the material for easier absorption. Jason will cover the below topics over the course of five consecutive days with a series of short 45 minute webinars that will include 30 minutes of training along with a 15 minute question period after each segment. Each bullet represents one day of training. The series will be parsed out as follows:
Monday, October 7 - Introduction to Export Compliance and OFAC Compliance
Tuesday, October 8 - Aircraft Part Compliance: Distinguishing EAR Jurisdiction from ITAR Jurisdiction; Identifying Your ECCN and Using it to Establish the Destination Restrictions
Wednesday, October 9- Aircraft Part Compliance: Forbidden Parties, Use-based Reasons for Control, Aviation-specific Rules
Thursday, October 10 - Aircraft Part Compliance: Special Destination Sanctions Including the Russia Sanctions
Friday, October 11 - Aircraft Part Compliance: Licensing and License Exceptions
Export Compliance – A Step-By-Step Approach (Part One: OFAC)
Jason Dickstein, President
Washington Aviation Group
Can you ship your aircraft parts to China? To Russia? To Mali? The answers may surprise you. In this webinar, Mr. Dickstein will explain how to identify your compliance path when exporting aircraft parts. This first class will focus on Treasury (OFAC) regulatory compliance. It will also explain how to distinguish BIS-regulated aircraft parts from ITAR-regulated aircraft parts, in preparation for the export classes through the rest of the month. While the export workshops build on each other, attendance at the prior webinars is not required.
Export Compliance - A Step-By-Step Approach (Part Two: BIS)
Jason Dickstein, President Washington Aviation Group
In this webinar, Mr. Dickstein will explain how to identify your compliance path when exporting aircraft parts. This class will focus on Commerce (BIS) regulatory compliance. This is the agency with jurisdiction over export of most commercial aircraft parts. The regulations have changed, so if you are exporting aircraft parts then you need to attend this webinar! While the export workshops build on each other, attendance at the prior webinars is not required.
Jason Dickstein, President Washington Aviation Group
OK, you know how to identify export licensing obligations, but now what? Sometimes, the customer just cannot wait for a license (as in AOG situations). In this webinar we will (a) identify common classes of aircraft parts that may be subject to BIS licensing obligations, and (b) examine the licensing exceptions that are typically most useful to overcome licensing obligations imposed on aircraft parts. While the export workshops build on each other, attendance at the prior webinars is not required.
Exporting Defense Material and Complying with the ITAR (Part Four)
Jason Dickstein, President & Ryan Aggergaard, Counsel Washington Aviation Group
Exporting defense parts? Then you need to understand the scope and mechanisms of the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITARs). This class will focus on how to identify aircraft parts subject to the ITARs, and the typical compliance path for exporting such parts. While the export workshops build on each other, attendance at the prior webinars is not required.
Exporting Successfully in a Challenging Global Environment
Elena Mendez, Regional Director, The Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM)
Elena provides an overview of essential tools and resources available to mitigate risks, while allowing you to compete effectively in current export markets. This webinar is 90 minutes.
Export Training
Jason Dickstein, President Washington Aviation Group
Mr. Dickstein will explain how to navigate the complicated U.S. export compliance seas, and how to identify the compliance path for your commercial aircraft exports. Remember, most defense aircraft parts are now also exported under the commercial rules, so they will be covered as well!
FAA Presentation-Bilateral Agreements Robert Sprayberry, Federal Aviation Administration
Mr. Sprayberry discusses US International Relationships with Foreign Trading Partners and will review current agreements and future projects.
Fundamentals of Supply Chain Sustainability
Will Trikha, Vice President & Shawn Trikha, Lead Consultant Lean Aerospace
The objective of this webinar is to identify an organizations’ efforts to consider the environmental and human impact of their products' journey through the supply chain, from sourcing to production, storage, delivery and every transportation link in between. The importance of sustainability in a supply chain extends beyond going green. A sustainable supply chain also helps improve productivity while saving money at the same time. By using sustainable techniques and resources, you increase the efficiency of buildings, vehicles, and machinery at a significant cost savings.
Hazmat Identification
Jason Dickstein, President Washington Aviation Group
In this session,Jason Dickstein, reviews the nine classes of hazardous material, explains how to recognize them, and clarifies what sort of aircraft parts are commonly found in each of the nine classes.
How To Break Down Departmental Silos and Improve Collaboration
Will Trikha, Vice President & Shawn Trikha, Lead Consultant Lean QA Consulting
Will and Shawn discuss A Guide On Improving Collaboration Through Communication Best Practices For Aerospace Companies.
How to Prepare for a Remote Audit
Scott Dawson, President and Co-Founder Core Business Solutions
Mr. Dawson reviews the steps you should take to prepare for a remote audit. Note: ASA-100 Audits and some ASACB audits will be conducted using remote auditing
Importance of Aircraft Parts Records
Roy Resto, President, AIM Solutions Consulting, LLC
Roy Resto discusses the importance of your aircraft parts records, storage options, the types, and quality requirements. Joining Roy in this discussion is Sherry Chaput, CEO of Avion Trace Group, LLC and Brent Webb, President of Aircraft Inventory Management & Services, Ltd. (Note: This is a 90-minute webinar.)
Importing Aircraft Parts
Jason Dickstein, President Washington Aviation Group
Jason provides the latest Import Tariffs and Duties for Aircraft Parts. In this webinar, he cites the source of Law for U.S. duties, terminology, and agencies with oversight. Jason also addresses enforcement, parts classifications, import tariff special codes & rates of duty. Very valuable information for those importing aircraft parts.
Incoterms Explained (finally!)
Ryan Aggergaard, Counsel Washington Aviation Group
Incoterms are common features of many modern sales agreements. Terms like Ex Works (EXW) and Free on Board (FOB) appear regularly in agreements between buyers and sellers of aircraft parts. Ryan Aggregaard explains (finally!), "But what do these terms mean? Are you shipping by maritime vessel? If not, FOB isn’t for you. Is your supplier overseas? Did you know EXW makes YOU responsible for everything after the goods hit the supplier’s loading dock, including export licenses for which you might not even be able to apply? When does risk of loss transfer? Who it responsible for insurance, duties, fees, compliance?" Incoterms have these answers, if you understand them. This webinar discusses what each Incoterm does for both buyer and seller, how the terms function within a contract and the law, the benefits and drawbacks of each term, and considerations in negotiating shipping terms from both buyer and seller perspectives to make sure you don’t get left high and dry.
Insight into FAA and DoD Testing
Joe Shiver, Strategic Accounts Manager, NTS (National Technical Systems)
Mr. Shiver (1) provides an introduction to common aerospace testing standards (RTCA DO-160, MIL-STD810/461), (2) provides descriptions of different test types (environmental, mechanical, electrical, etc.), (3) presents how to prepare and work on test projects, and (4) provides scenarios for requalification of aftermarket products for resale. Upon completion of this webinar, you will have a better understanding of required FAA and DoD testing requirements and protocol.
Intro to Federal Aviation Regulations
George Ringger, President G. Ringger Consulting, Inc.
This session George will provide an introduction to Federal Aviation Adminstration, government, and industry regulations that impact the aviation aftermarket distribution business.
Introduction to Risk Management-Part 1
Sam O'Connor, VP Technical Services, ASACB
Sam will provide an overview of Risk relating to Operational Risk Management Awareness and Risk Based Thinking specific to the Distribution Industry. This is Part 1 of a two-segment webinar, please register separately for Part 2 below.
Introduction to Risk Management-Part 2
Sam O'Connor, VP Technical Services, ASACB
This segment continues the review of Risk relating to Operational Risk Management Awareness and Risk Based Thinking specific to the Distribution Industry. This is Part 2 of a two-segment webinar. The speaker will be Sam O’Connor.
Inventory Management
A.K. Trikha, President & CEO, LeanQA
In this workshop, the participants learn all aspects of the inventory management including but not limited to: Types of Inventory, Inventory Planning Process, Evaluating demand, Ops planning, Creating balanced inventory scorecards, Cycle time measures, Fill rate, Inventory ABC classification, Master scheduling and Inventory Accuracy using cycle counts.
Lean Recovery After A Global Pandemic
Will Trikha, Vice President & Shawn Trikha, Lead Consultant Lean QA Consulting
.Will and Shawn share, How To Bounce Back From A Pandemic Using Lean Six Sigma Tools
Reputation Is a Prerequisite for Success
Will Trikha, Vice President & Shawn Trikha, Lead Consultant Lean QA Consulting
Will and Shawn will discuss, How To Increase Customer Satisfaction The Right Way!
Safety Devices, Life Saving Equipment, Cartridges, Squibs, Igniters, and other things that go boom: Identifying Under-Appreciated Regulations Governing Explosives
Ryan Aggergaard, Counsel Washington Aviation Group
In this webinar, Ryan demystifies overlapping DOT and ATF laws and regulations governing explosives. Learn strategies for compliance, understand the difference between DOT EX numbers and ATF exemptions, and identify considerations for state and local explosives laws.
Sanctions Imposed Due to Russia's Attack on Ukraine
Jason Dickstein, President
Washington Aviation Group
Sanctions imposed due to Russia’s attack on Ukraine, and the impact on business transactions. This topic is changing daily. Jason Dickstein provides a current overview of some of the sanctions and discuss caution areas. This is a 30-minute presentation followed by 30-minutes dedicated for questions.
Sourcing and Procurement
Will Trikha, Vice President & Shawn Trikha, Lead Consultant Lean QA Consulting
Implementing an effective purchasing strategy increases your company competitively and can strengthen your relationship with customers. What are the key items to identify when developing a purchasing strategy? There are 2 objectives for this webinar:
Learning a powerful purchasing model that will help you assess risks and maximize profits.
Learning how procurement management works, why it matters, and the key factors to bear in mind when you’re setting up your procurement management processes.
Supervisory Skills
A.K. Trikha, President & CEO, LeanQA
A.K. Trikha leads this workshop on strategies and tools of a supervisor. In this webinar, you'll discuss the following: Supervisory Skills, Leadership Tools & Tactics, Establishing a Productive Work Environment for your Team, Change Management, Conflict Management, Problem Solving, and Effectively Managing Remote Employees.
Supply Chain Risk Management
Jim Lee, Owner/President, SimpleQue
Jim Lee discusses supply chain vulnerabilities and disruptions while providing examples on how to respond and mitigate these risks down to acceptable outcomes. Learn how to take a more proactive strategy and approach to ensure your businesses success.
Value of Those Teardown Reports
Roy Resto, President AIM Solutions Consulting, LLC
Roy Resto, President of AIM Solutions Consulting, LLC will provide an overview of tear down reports, their contents, value effects on warranty, how airlines use them and how you can use them.
Visual Inspection of Aircraft Parts
Roy Resto, President AIM Solutions Consulting, LLC
In this webinar, Mr. Resto, reviews the basics of performing visual inspections of aftermarket parts during the Receiving Inspection Process. This webinar is designed for Distributors, Repair Stations/AMO, and Airlines.