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Membership Application

Types of Membership

ASA has three primary membership types: Regular, Associate and Associate-Air Carrier which are all described below. If you are an individual looking to support the association, we do have a membership category for individual supporters, please use the send email button for additional information. *All Membership payments are non-refundable.

Companies NEW to ASA wishing to apply for membership - Please scroll down to to the green Start Membership Application button below the Membership type descriptions. Companies new to the system will not need a login and password to start the application. You will create a password when completing the online application. 

If you were a member previously, you will need your login and password. If you do not remember your login credentials, please email ASA for login information.

If you are already an ASA Member and wish to renew your membership, please visit the Membership Renewal page. If you have logged in and the membership renewal page isn't recognizing you as a member, call us at +1-202-347-6899 or use the "send email" button to contact us. 


Regular Membership

Any company or individual that is directly involved in the purchase and/or sale of aircraft parts qualifies as a Regular Member.  This includes, but is not limited to, suppliers, distributors, repair stations, and manufacturers. Companies are not required to maintain inventory in order to qualify. Note: that those directly involved in the purchase and/or sale of aircraft parts are not eligible for an Associate Membership and must become Regular Members.

    Associate Membership

    Associate Membership is limited to companies that do not qualify as Regular Members; i.e. companies not engaged in the purchase and/or sale of aircraft parts. Examples of an associate member company are inventory valuations consultants, software providers, parts listing providers, insurance providers, etc.  Associate Members are entitled to all rights and privileges of Regular Members; however, they may not nominate, elect or serve on the Board of Directors.

    Associate Membership for Air Carriers (Complimentary) Please fill out PDF Application

    Any air carrier that is certified under FAA Part 121, FAA Part 129, FAA Part 135 or a non-US equivalent of FAA Part 121 qualifies as an Associate Member. 