As promised, here is part II of 2018’s compilation of Facts, Figures, and Forecasts (F3). The source citations are at the very end.
Here are the data listings in this order:
Here’s a listing of the world’s top defense contractors
Level of Chinese aviation expansion revealed by CAAC statistics
Number of successful ejections equating to lives saved by Martin Baker Ejection Seats
Total MRO demand for ATA chapter 25 is $3.7 Billion for 2018 and 2019
Boeing: 128,500 pilots to be needed in China by 20...
As promised, here is part I of 2019’s compilation of Facts, Figures, and Forecasts (F3). I normally would have posted this later this year, but there was a considerable abundance of data, so here ‘tis. By the way many of you have shared your like for this information, so I’ll keep gathering it for periodic postings.
The source citations are at the very end.
Here are the data listings, in this order:
Share of Global Commercial Aircraft Fleet Controlled by Lessors
Average Age at Retirement vs. Ret...