ASA-100 News!
Update to ASA-100 - Changes and Timeline Changes to ASA-100 were proposed during the December 1, 2016 Quality Committee meeting. These
changes were motioned and approved by the Committee and approved by
the Board of Directors of ASA. You may review the changes and timeline on ASA's Website. Intelex - ASA Audit Management System ASA continues to make improvement's to its Audit Management System powered by Intelex. If you have any comments, please send them to Michele Dickstein. Congratulations to the following companies showing commitment to Quality through ASA-100 Accreditation or ReAccreditation:
IAQG Annual Meeting News The International Aerospace Quality Group is holding its annual meeting in Cleveland, OH on October 13-19, 2017. During October 13-18, 2017, all working groups will be in session. The general session will take place on October 19, 2017. To register for this meeting and to review the meeting agenda please visit, If you have any questions please contact Sam O'Connor, Vice President Technical Services ASA/ASACB or George Ringger, Accreditation Manager ASACB for clarification or concerns. Relevant Information from the Registration Management Committee / Americas Aerospace Quality Group meeting held July 19-21, 2017 in Minneapolis, MN The AS9104-1 Requirements for Aviation, Space, Defense Quality Management System Certification Programs re-write team will begin efforts again in 2018 to update the document with new requirements and align the document with industry expectations. The expected release date is 2020. Minimum required on-site audit days for the transfer of a certification in good standing from one authenticated certification body to another certification body is not defined. A motion was put forth to the International Aerospace Quality Group regarding defining duration requirements for transfers. Proposed requirement for transfer done at time of surveillance audit is "1.5 days on-site for transfer audit and not less than 1.0 day for surveillance audit." If within 12 months of the certificate expiration then a special audit is required and that is to be no less than 1.5 days and then perform recertification audit time. Certification bodies(CB's) have requested the following improvements to the OASIS NextGen Database as it relates to management of audits.
The auditor certification agency in the Americas, Probitas has a back log of 400 auditor applications to be completed with the goal of authentication in OASIS. Other Party Management Team (OPMT) AAQG Chair Susie Neal presented that a high turn-over exists within the EQQG (Asia Sector) for personnel supporting the program. Personnel stability is very strong in the IAQG and AAQG sectors. The OPMT has six tactical objectives of 9104-003 revision, Training development, Monitor transition to new standards, OASIS and IQAG OPTM issues. Auditor Authentication Transition Training (AATT) data as of July 14, 2017:
Auditor Authentication Transition Training (AATT) data as of July 13, 2017:
The 2008 AATT training has been suspended. This means there is no defined path forward for new auditors into the industry. This is recognized as a weakness and a pilot training program was defined and created for industry. The pilot training course will be offered during August 14-17, 2017. NextGen OASIS Update Roll out is 100% complete. Users of the system top 87,000 worldwide with 46,836 users residing in the Americas. Single site certifications, over 13,000 make up the majority of all certificates issued. The auditor calculator link to be terminated within the coming weeks. All audit calculations will be directly performed in the NextGen OASIS system. Use of OASIS data is being considered by the FAA in the area of oversight for level 3 PAHs. The preliminary analysis will use data from 25 level 3 PAHs that hold AS9100 certification. A request of data will be made, and then the FAA will data mine the database for audit activity. The FAA is considering the use of the data to potential lower the number of audits or frequency of audits at PAHs. The FAA has confirmed it will not use AS9100 NCR data to take compliance enforcement actions against the PAH. Congratulations to the following companies for achievement of certification to the Aviation, Space and Defense management system standards:
ASACB Training Announcements Our next Workshop is schedule for August 17, 2017. This workshop will address the new AS9120B requirements and is open to ASA Members, ASA-100 Accredited companies and ASACB certified clients and, any other organization certified to AS9120A. ASACB will be offering additional transition workshops for ISO 9001:2015, AS9100D and AS9110C, September 19th, 20th & 21st respectively and hosted by Yulista Aviation Inc. - HSV. The presenter will be Walter Sam O'Connor, Vice President Technical Services and/or George Ringger, ASACB Accreditation Manager. Registration is required and open for all these workshops on the ASA website where you may also view the agenda and pricing information. Transition Information During the July Registration Management Committee/Americas Aerospace Quality Group joint meeting the following information was provided on transition audits:
ASACB will add a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section relating to the new ISO9001:2015 and AS9100 series standards to the website by August 25, 2017. The FAQs will include requirements of the following topics; 4.2 Interested Parties; 4.3 Scope Applicability; 4.4 QMS Processes; 4.4 Processes Measures; Measurement Equipment Register; 8.1.4 Counterfeit Parts; 8.4.1 External Provider; 8.4.2 Type and Extent of Control; 8.4.3 Information for External Providers; Production Process Verification; and 10.2.1 Nonconformity and Corrective Action. This information was also presented and discussed during the recent Americas Aerospace Quality Group auditor training workshops held in July 2017. Transition Reminders There are only 13 months remaining for the transition to the new ISO 9001/AS9100/AS9110/AS9120 standards. Organizations that are AS9100/AS9110/AS9120 and waiting on release of the new revisions should already have or are in process of implementing the ISO9001:2015 standards new requirements. ISO 9001:2015 is the base standard for all the newly revised and pending release AS series standards. This will aid in getting your organization prepared to achieve the transition deadline of September 15, 2018 for AS9100/AS9110/AS9120. ASACB has already begun auditing to the new revisions of AS9100/AS9110/AS9120. As of June 15, 2017, all audits are created within the OASIS NextGen database. The following is information regarding OASIS NextGen database:
If you have any questions please contact Sam O'Connor, Vice President Technical Services ASA/ASACB or George Ringger, Accreditation Manager ASACB for clarification or concerns. Transition Aid The ASACB has a gap assessment worksheet to aid in the transition to AS9100D that is based on input from the IAQG. It can be downloaded via the following link; Gap Assessment AS9100D or from ASA's Website at: AQMS:2016 Transition Policy; scroll to the bottom of the bottom of the page and click on Gap Assessment AS9100D. Additional standard deployment material is available on the IAQG website. ASA Blogs
Cavu Café: Royboy's Prose & Cons - New Blog Entry: "COUNTERFEIT AND UNAPPROVED AIRCRAFT PARTS" by Roy Resto Roy Resto is a seasoned aviation industry professional and longtime partner with ASA. View his blog as he discussed various industry hot topics. You can find his latest blog entry here, and join in on the discussion! FUNCTION CODE 56 UPDATE: Airline Sourcing is OK; but PAH Trace Must Be Established by Jason Dickstein Recent confusion about the use of function code 56 has caused some consternation in the industry. The focus of this issue has been on parts obtained from air carriers (which represents a significant portion of the industry's surplus parts). Read more... Got Outside Sales Personnel? You Have a Chance to Tell the Labor Department When You Should be Required to Pay Them Overtime by Jason Dickstein The Labor Department is seeking comments on an overtime rule - one that affects overtime payments to outside sales personnel and to administrative and executive personnel. This is a rule that could dramatically change the pay structure of certain distributors, and is worth the attention of ASA members. Read More... Responding to an Administrative Subpoena by Jason Dickstein Many administrative agencies have subpoena power. This means that they can send you a subpoena insisting that you give testimony, or (more commonly for administrative subpoenas) provide documents. Read More... ASA/ASACB expands Blogging ASA/ASACB anticipates posting its first blog the end of August on topics relating to pertinent subject matters for one or more of the following standards; ASA-100, ISO 9001:2015; AS9100D, AS9110C, AS9120B.
ASA News!
ASA, along with a coalition of industry groups, formally Petitioned the FAA for an extension or reissue of FAA notice 8900.380. ASA Announces Plans to Expand Training and Education Under "ASA University" The Aviation Suppliers Association is pleased to announce plans to create "ASA University" for all training and education. The scope of this new service will bring all existing and new training workshops under one area within ASA. The University will be rolling out on-line training and expanded industry training such as but not limited to topics similar to "Detailed Contract Review," "Methods for Approving External Providers/Suppliers" and "Certified Inspector Training." ASA is presently researching potential online training platforms. Look for additional information and progress updates as this information becomes available. FAA Proposes $54,000 Civil Penalty against the Carboline Company for Alleged Hazardous Materials Violations WASHINGTON -- The U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) proposes a $54,000 civil penalty against the Carboline Company of St. Louis for allegedly violating the Hazardous Materials Regulations. Read More... FAA and Singapore Sign Aviation Safety Agreement SINGAPORE --The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) signed a milestone Maintenance Agreement Guidance (MAG) yesterday with the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS). The agreement allows for mutual surveillance conducted on certified repair stations located abroad for each of the agreement partners. Read More... ASA Events!
ASACB Training - August 17, 2017-AS9120; September 19-ISO 9001:2015; September 20-AS9100D; September 21-AS9110C Registration is open for all ASACB Training Workshops. Please visit ASA's Workshop page to view agenda, rates and to register for the appropriate workshop. Or, click on the following workshop title to register for that specific workshop - AS9102B, ISO 9001:2015, AS9100D or AS9110C. HAZMAT Training - October 11-12, 2017 - On-line ASA has once again collaborated with the Washington Aviation Group to provide re-current and initial Hazardous Material Training. The on-line class will offer one-day recurrent training and two-day initial training. A brief description can be found on ASA's HAZMAT page with additional links to registration, rates and complete agendas. Quality Committee Meeting - Dec 8, 2017 - Dallas, TX The next QC Meeting will be held Dec 8, 2017 in Grapevine, TX. Registration is required. Hotel details will be posted in the next week. If you have any questions please contact Tony Brigham. Regulatory Workshops are Back for Miramar, Chicago and Dallas! Regulatory Workshops are being planned for September or November in Miramar, December 5th in Chicago and December 7th in Dallas. Specific hotel and registration information will be announced in the next bulletin. |
ATC Technical Bulletin |