ASA 100 - This standard has been developed by the ASA Quality Assurance Committee. Its purpose is to provide aviation suppliers with a quality system which satisfies the requirements outlined in FAA Advisory Circular 00-56: Voluntary Industry Distributor Accreditation Program.
ASA Statement Form 2020 - With collaboration and feedback from operators, lessors, distributors, manufacturers and repair stations, the form incorporates the identity and condition fields needed for commercial transactions. User instructions are available as well.
ATC Technical Bulletin - A monthly newsletter of the Aviation Suppliers Association Certification Body (ASACB). It includes topics of pertinent subject matters for one or more of the following standards; ASA-100, ISO 9001:2015; AS9100D, AS9110C, AS9120B.
The Update Report - The monthly newsletter of the Aviation Suppliers Association. It contains information related to the aviation parts industry, from recent trends in the government, to new FAA regulations, to ASA events and announcements.
ASA-100 Letters of Interpretation (LIs): ASA has created a tool called a Letter of Interpretation (LI). LIs are used to provide guidance regarding ASA-100 and/or FAA AC 00-56. LIs are required if applicable to your business. Each LI addresses requirements and future expectations.
ASA Best Practices - ASA, using feedback from industry, has created Best Practices to assist any person who handles aircraft parts, including (but not limited to) distributors, air carriers, repair stations, aircraft/engine disassemblers and manufacturers. The BPs are intended to address an issue or concern impacting the distribution industry. Compliance with the BP is voluntary.